For the Weekend Warriors, Weirdos & Whackjobs - Issue #50
A call to action from the Bullshit Hunters.
Right off the top, and most importantly: if you have been following the heart wrenching story of Robert Roberson III—an autistic man, wrongfully convicted using junk-science and sentenced to death—you know he nearly met his end this week. If this is news to you? Time to get educated, friends.
Yesterday, October 17th, 2024, the State of Texas was scheduled to inhumanely, and unjustly execute Mr. Roberson for a crime that never occurred. With only two hours to spare, a judge reinstated a halt on his execution. Then, we all universally cried.
But now? Mr. Roberson has 14 days to fight for his life all over again.
So, we expect you all to go Tweet, write letters, and make noise. This is the point of this community after all, isn’t it? We can do some good here, so let’s do it.
Our recommended listening and reading list is all Robert Roberson, all day:
Wrongful Conviction Podcast #274 - Jason Flom with Robert Roberson.
Wrongful Conviction Podcast #172 - Junk Science: Shaken Baby Syndrome.
What to Know About Robert Roberson Facing Execution on Oct. 17 in Texas for a Crime That Never Occurred - Innocence Project
Don’t be afraid to pick up the phone Bullshit Hunters, to call on Texas Governor Abbott to halt Robert Roberson’s execution: 361-264-9653
From the Innocence Project:
In BullshitHunting news - our main Winnipeg Squeeze,
, dropped another action-packed post titled: Hunting Alexa: The Subtle Art of Deanonymizing a Child Predator. Follow MJ in his first of two posts that cover how he chases down the identity of a consumer and potential producer of Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM).We hope you do some reading, make some racket and we’ll see you back here next week - right on time as always.
— Much Love From The Bullshit Hunting Crew