For the Weekend Warriors, Weirdos & Whackjobs - Issue #17
Throwing bodies and chasing cryptocurrencies.
This week was a doozy, with our little team running and gunning in many directions between doling out the public records requests and nudging our various client projects in the right direction, your hunters have been hunting.
This week saw a post from Justin and Somebody Else’s Lawyer: Body Groovin’, Body Throwin’ - where they mercilessly tear apart the State’s case in the Doug Mouser trial, using maps and a little physics (along with some help from a friend, thanks Phil!) to show that it’s just not possible to throw a dead body very far.
What Justin Read This Week (And Listened To)
Tracers in the Dark by Andy Greenberg (Amazon) - no surprise, from one of the go-to journalists of our time for all things hacking, dark web, cryptocurrency and frankly, cool. Andy’s latest book is amazing and covers cases such as the Silk Road, Alpha and others in a level of detail and with background I hadn’t read in other places. I am absolutely devouring this book and do recommend you get a copy.
From Last Weekend
What Justin Watched
Kill Bill (Vol 1) - Yup. I rocked some Tarantino this weekend and it was glorious. I hadn’t seen this ultra-violent, stylish beauty in quite some time. If you haven’t watched it in awhile, or you’ve never seen it, it’s worth it. Make sure you watch the rest in the series while you’re at it, you won’t be disappointed.
We are off to put our feet up, put some Bob Marley on,
— Much Love From The Bullshit Hunting Crew