A fantastic week of writing, investigating and advisory work. We’ve been busy! In this instalment, I have a podcast recommendation, another movie in the Hell House LLC franchise, and of course, for whatever reason, more H.H. Holmes updates because apparently, that’s all we talk about to people now. Until next week!
What I Am Watching This Weekend
Hell House Origins: The Carmichael Manor (Shudder/Amazon Prime) - I absolutely loved the Hell House LLC franchise so far, and was tickled pink to see that there was a new instalment in the series. I shall report back.
What You Should Listen To
I am going to be straight with you, I have been a fan of James and Jimmie, for years. Often, if I was battling anxiety or depression, Smalltown Murder would always make me laugh. There’s something about two best friends, sitting down, bullshitting and making each other laugh about incredibly dark topics that is very cathartic for me. This episode deals with Airdrie, Alberta, Canada. I’ve been there, and is not too far from where I live. Go have a listen here and be sure to go support those guys, they’re the real deal.
From Last Weekend
What Justin Watched
Wrinkles the Clown (Amazon Prime/Shudder) - I have now recommended this documentary to anyone who will listen. I found it disturbing on a number of different levels. I really enjoyed this and it was very different from many other documentaries. It’s a very uncomfortable, must-watch.
5/5 on the weirdo scale for me.
HH Holmes Side Quest Updates
From Issue #1, watching the world’s worst documentary/drama, I issued a challenge:
H.H. Holmes was alleged to have killed over 200 people, but only confessed to 27 (some of which were still alive, so that’s neat I guess). The movie indicates that the 200 victim myth came from a pulp magazine in the 1940s. What magazine was this? Bonus points for screenshots!

Now in the update department, no one has found the pulp magazine that said he had killed 200 people, but boy, J.Y. a subscriber from this list sent in a doozy of an article. Apparently, there were rumours that H.H. Holmes had potentially evaded his own execution. So the History Channel and one of his relatives decide to dig him up.
They pull up the coffin. It’s full of concrete. Uh-oh.
Now in the grave, they decide: why, not, let’s keep drilling and see what we hit.
And they hit a second coffin, also full of concrete, along with the partially decomposed body of H.H. Holmes with his fucking moustache intact.
I will not give you any more visuals, you gotta read the article. It’s…something else. Whewf!
Until next weekend, make something warm to drink and stay the hell in. You deserve it.
Bullshit Hunting Crew
While your description does it great justice, the linked-to H.H. article must be appreciated.