For the Weekend Warriors, Weirdos & Whackjobs - Issue #2
Order that Uber Eats, put your sweatpants on and get grimy for a few days.
Things have been busy at Bullshit Hunting HQ, with a handful of wrongful convictions (check out our Advocacy page) in California actively working their way through various phases of court hearings or Innocence Project intake. All this buzzing around has warmed our hearts, made us as sweet as we can possibly be, and freed us to write some more!
What I Am Watching This Weekend
Wrinkles the Clown (Shudder/Amazon Prime) - this is a documentary about “Wrinkles the Clown.” He is not someone I know currently, will want to know in the future, or hope to think about when I go to bed after watching this. I have said it before, and I will say it again: fuck clowns.
What I Am Reading
I simply can’t recommend Anna Merlan’s “Republic of Lies” enough. This book is so good, I read it in sips, rather than my normal high-speed reading. It is thoroughly researched and shows you the background and history of anti-vaccine movements, conspiracies and hate. It’s extremely timely, but its research is so deep that I am positive you’ll be able to pick it up and read it in 50 years when the next panic comes. Go read it!

From Last Weekend
What Justin Watched
Atlas of Cursed Places (National Geographic - Disney+) - this show was awesome. I have to be honest that I have seen so many Bermuda Triangle, Mothman, Atlantis and other ‘legend’ shows that I was skeptical. This is a unique angle and not one that I had seen before where it’s the curses of those places that are focused on.
5/5 - well made, entertaining and interesting.
HH Holmes Side Quest Updates
From Issue #1 watching the world’s worst documentary/drama, I issued a challenge:
H.H. Holmes was alleged to have killed over 200 people, but only confessed to 27 (some of which were still alive, so that’s neat I guess). The movie indicates that the 200 victim myth came from a pulp magazine in the 1940s. What magazine was this? Bonus points for screenshots!
Here are some responses that fellow Bullshit Hunters sent in:
“This sounds like a job for…. GANJA!” - Anonymous, and unhelpful. No real updates submitted.
“Dammit what magazine was it, this is ridiculous.” - Justin Seitz, now having distracted himself.
Until next weekend, put your feet up, put some Marley on and enjoy your weekend fellow Bullshit Hunters!
Yours faithfully,
The Bullshit Hunting Crew